The exhibition is organized as a legacy of the 11th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience that will take place from
9 - 13 September 2023 in Granada, Spain.


1852 - 1934


Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852, Petilla de Aragón, Navarra - 1934, Madrid) is considered the father of modern neuroscience for his outstanding studies of the microanatomy, his observations regarding degeneration and regeneration, and his theories about the function, development and plasticity of virtually the whole central nervous system. Cajal was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1906 and, spite of the passed time, his work continues to captivate and stimulate modern neuroscientists. Some of his original possessions are housed at the Cajal Institute (CSIC), Madrid, Spain. The Cajal Institute preserves the items that Cajal bequeathed to its Institute, which together are referred to as “Cajal Legacy”.

It is estimated that the Cajal Legacy houses a total of 30,218 items of a widely varied nature. These items have been divided into 26 groups for cataloguing and to facilitate their study. The biggest groups are the Photographic archive Books (7,000), Newspapers and Journals (2,384), Correspondence (2,584), and Scientific drawings (1,976).
A selection of items and drawings have been made to compose the exhibition “Butterflies of the Soul: the drawings of Santiago Ramón y Cajal”, that you will be able to see in person in Granada between the 13th of June and 24 th of September 2023.

